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Don’t Have an Amazon Brand Store? Here’s Why You Should

Don’t Have an Amazon Brand Store? Here’s Why You Should

Are Amazon Sellers underestimating Brand Stores? For many eCommerce sellers, Amazon product pages are the lifeblood of their digital presence. With the incredible amount of traffic on the Amazon marketplace, it is easy to see why product pages are integral to any eCommerce strategy. However, Amazon sellers who only use product pages could be missing out on another valuable revenue stream — an Amazon Brand Store. This can deliver a high amount of value for a low amount of work. Find out why sellers who don’t yet have an Amazon Brand Store should start building one today.


What Is an Amazon Brand Store?

An Amazon Brand Store — or Amazon Store for short — is a free tool that allows Amazon sellers to create a dedicated storefront for their brand. An Amazon Store can be customized to showcase a brand and highlight specific products.

In a sense, an Amazon Store can be thought of as a brand’s website within the Amazon marketplace. When Amazon first launched this feature, it was available only to vendors. However, now Amazon sellers can also create their own Amazon Store. Amazon makes it incredibly easy to build an Amazon Store. Sellers can upload their own images, product descriptions, videos, logos, and more. Amazon puts everything together in an easy-to-navigate format.




Who Can Launch an Amazon Brand Store?

Any seller that enrolls in Brand Registry can build an Amazon Store. Through the Amazon platform, creating a brand store is as simple as walking through the store builder. The result is a branded storefront where only a seller’s products and information are listed. No competitors are allowed to display products or ads on a branded store.


The Benefits of Building An Amazon Store

Sellers who haven’t yet taken advantage of Amazon’s free brand store creator should consider doing so. There are numerous benefits to building an Amazon Store, including the following.

Ditch the Competition

On Amazon product pages, sellers always run the risk of losing a sale to the competition. Product pages are filled with distractions that can lead a customer away from making a purchase.

With an Amazon Store, brands can take control of the user experience. Only brand products and information will be included, allowing sellers to ditch the competition. This can be a powerful tool for increasing sales of specific products.

Increased Brand Awareness

Establishing a brand image is critical in the crowded landscape of Amazon. Sellers can increase awareness around their overarching brand when they have a dedicated brand page.

This can help build brand loyalty. Once customers know they like one product from a brand, they will be more likely to purchase others. Through an Amazon Brand Store, sellers can funnel previous buyers back to their branded page.

Ease of Finding Products

Amazon is a vast marketplace. It can be difficult for customers to know how to find products sold by a specific brand — especially when competitors are purposefully attempting to funnel these customers to their own product pages.

With an Amazon store, brands can set up a storefront that is easy to navigate. Within Amazon Brand Stores, sellers can add subpages to host subcategories of products. For example, if a brand sells dog products, it can build an initial landing page with subcategories for leashes, bowls, treats, and toys. Only that brand’s products will be listed within each subpage.

Direct Traffic

One of the best parts about an Amazon Store is that it allows sellers to direct traffic to their dedicated Amazon storefront. Through Sponsored Display Ads, email marketing campaigns, or social media posts, sellers can funnel potential buyers directly to their stores.

Once a buyer arrives at a branded store, they can browse all the products sold by a specific brand.

Increased Insights

When sellers launch an Amazon Store, they will immediately gain access to a dashboard that showcases important KPIs. Sellers can discover where the majority of their store traffic is coming from, which pages are getting the most views, and how many sales are attributed to their store.


Get Ready to Sell Big

Brand Stores should be created to support your brand image on Amazon during the holiday season and all year round. If you don’t have one, what are you waiting for?

We Can Help!

Phelps UNITED is here to provide expert guidance on your Amazon selling strategy and brand advertising tips, explore our website to learn more.

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