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Using Amazon Live to Build Your Brand

Using Amazon Live to Build Your Brand

I’m sure you’ve been there, scrolling late-night television, and boom, you land on QVC. The late-night show and tell-style sales show. Well, Amazon has a product that is very reminiscent of the old QVC shows. Their “Amazon live” page capitalizes on the live stream trend to show and promote products to online shoppers. Here’s how using Amazon Live can build your brand.

What is Amazon Live

Amazon Live is a live streaming service that allows Amazon sellers to promote and highlight their products by hosting live streams for customers to view and watch on Amazon. The videos or live streams are found under Amazon’s main menu, in a section called “Amazon Live”.

Customers are given options to watch live, or recently live videos once they click the Live tab. Either option also allows them to buy the products that are in the live streams. Customers are also given the opportunity to ask real-time questions and get answers immediately. Lastly, Amazon allows customers to “Follow” a company, this follow button works much like in any other social media and allows the customer to stay up to date with the brand or influencer.

Who can use Amazon Live

As of now, Amazon Live is only available to brand-registered sellers and vender on the U.S. marketplace. Basically, any brand that is enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry can live stream. Influencers also have a service where they can live stream if they have an active storefront.

How to use Amazon Live

The best way to go live is with the Amazon Live App.

  • Go live with the Live Creator App
  • Sign into the app with your Amazon Advertising Console credentials. This should be where you created your brand’s store page
  • You should see a dashboard giving you analytics and an overview of your Amazon Live Level. Click the plus button in the bottom center of the app.
  • Fill out the details on a new live stream scheduler, this includes title, start time, video source (phone since you’re going live), and any other relevant details
  • When you’re reading you can hit “Go Live”, and you’ll see a countdown starting at three. Wait three seconds and you’re live.
  • When you’re live have someone monitor the live stream chat for questions. This ensures that you won’t miss anything and maximizes visibility.

Benefits of Amazon Live

The biggest benefit of Amazon Live is the fact that it’s free and allows for additional visibility of your store’s products. The key to selling is getting products in front of customers, that’s how you sell. That can be through marketing, commercials, deals with influencers and now Amazon Live has added this feature as another avenue.

The other added benefit is that it’s live real-time with customers. Meaning you get a chance to make a sales pitch while they listen and ask questions. So, if a customer is on the fence about a purchase because they can’t find information about a certain question they have, they can ask it and get an immediate answer potentially causing them to buy.

Tips for Amazon Live

  • Try to Livestream for 30 minutes
  • Encourage your audience to interact and ask questions
  • Use call to actions
  • Engage with shoppers
  • Show your products in action
  • Share your live stream on your social media
  • Consider streaming with an encoder
  • Consider offering discounts or deals on your products that your live streaming

Bonus Material: To learn more you can visit the Amazon Live learning page for guides, short video tutorials, and live Q&As. Or check this video with useful tips to get ready to stream on Amazon.


Phelps UNITED is here to provide expert guidance on your Amazon selling strategy and brand advertising tips, visit our website to learn more.


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Phelps UNITED is here to provide expert guidance on your Amazon selling strategy and brand advertising tips, explore our website to learn more.

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