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Planet Amazon Podcast Episode 13

Amazon Business Mastery: Long-Term Profitability and Suspension Survival Tips


Lesley Hensell Hubspot Episode Now 13 Landing PagePrepare to navigate the treacherous terrain of Amazon Seller suspensions with none other than Lesley Hensell, co-founder of Riverbend Consulting. As we chat, Lesley shares her wealth of knowledge and practical tips, from her impressive career in business consulting to her hands-on Amazon selling experiences. Her insights are a beacon for sellers lost in the Amazonian jungle of complex regulations, guiding them back to the path of success. We also delve into her admirable humanitarian endeavors and the buzz around her upcoming book, "The Amazon Incubator," a must-have for any Amazon entrepreneur looking to conquer the marketplace.

Lesley shares tales of extreme suspensions, like the seller who inadvertently listed grenades and how they made their comeback. She wraps up with strategic insights on optimizing an Amazon business and the smart outsourcing of key tasks to refine operations, highlighting the importance of developing strong SOPs and leveraging Amazon advertising to make products stand out. 

To learn more about Lesley, please visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/lesleyhensell/  
To learn more about Riverbend Consulting, please visit https://riverbendconsulting.com/ 


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The Amazon Incubator

Grow Your Business or Hatch a New One

Can everyday entrepreneurs – and established businesses – still make money on Amazon?

Whether you long to launch your own online brand or need a profitable side-hustle, the answer is yes – if you have the right plan.

The Amazon Incubator is written as a practical guide, with short, easy-to-implement chapters.

In addition, each chapter includes a brief summary at the end, as well as suggested action steps, so it can be used as a tool for the reader to share with teammates and business associates.


Get Your Copy Today

About the Speakers:

Lesley Hensell_Riverbend_Headshot

Lesley Hensell

Co-Founder Riverbend Consulting

Lesley Hensell is co-founder of Riverbend Consulting, whose 85+ employees solve problems… Read More

Adam Shaffer

Phelps United President

Adam is a pioneer in direct marketing and digital eCommerce of technology products and… Read More

Planet Amazon Podcast with Adam Shaffer

The Planet Amazon podcast hosted by Adam Shaffer addresses all things Amazon and other eCommerce marketplaces. In each episode, we talk with Brands and Sellers about Amazon news, new features, policies, brand policies, logistics, marketing, issues, and challenges, among other topics. All the discussions in this podcast will be from our and our guests' perspectives, always considering how to successfully manage brands on the $600+ Billion Amazon marketplace and the other eCommerce platforms. This podcast is a must for all brands selling or looking to sell on eCommerce marketplaces. Explore All Episodes